Saturday, March 24, 2007

Enough guns and ammo to start a meth lab!

Yesterday in Horseshoe Bend, ID a man opened his front door and got shot in the leg. The guy called 911. When the police showed up they found 16 guns, several thousand rounds of ammunition, and a meth lab. Probably the guy shot himself.

Our local print media buried the guns part.

Our local television media covered ONLY the guns. The man was a felon so it's illegal for him to purchase, own or even pick up firearms.

The television news coverage was something like this:

Enough guns and ammo to start a meth lab! (not sure exactly how to turn guns into creating drugs but whatever.

Enough guns to start a revolution in a small country! (16 guns? That's got to be a really small country, like maybe survivor island. I figure growing up my father had roughly 25 to 30 guns...guess he wanted to start a revolution in a larger country).

No mention of the Meth lab part...except that he had enough guns to start one.

Yes even in Idaho the anti-gunners are alive and well. I hear Wyoming is nice.

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Saturday, March 10, 2007

Walmart and ammunition

I just went to Walmart to buy myself some ammo for my .22 rifle. Weather was nice today so I thought I would go do some plinking. Got myself a box of 550 rounds of .22lr hollow point for less then $10 (the reason I love shooting my .22).

Anyways I got up to the register with my box of cat litter, replacement sink faucet for the bathroom, a tub of boneless bbq chicken, 10 bars of soap, and a box of ammo.

The checkout lady clears everything just fine till we get to the ammo. She says "handgun"? I say "no rifle". Irritated she says "handgun yes or no". "No". "Are you under 18?", "no I'm 35".

"Hope your not planning on shooting anyone"

No normally this might be funny...well no really that isn't ever funny...but this lady was serious asking me that.

Mental note: Next time pay for the ammo in the sporting goods department.

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Friday, March 09, 2007

DC Circuit strikes down DC gun law

From the majority opinion:

[T]he phrase 'the right of the people,' when read intratextually and in light of Supreme Court precedent, leads us to conclude that the right in question is individual.

Today is a good day for America and individual rights.

Opinion Here

Other links:


Free Republic Thread



Thursday, March 08, 2007

HR 1022 gets a little play

Yesterday sometime HR 1022 picked up twelve co-sponsors. Here is a list of the traitors to the constitution:

Rep Ackerman, Gary L. [NY-5]
Rep Crowley, Joseph [NY-7]
Rep Fattah, Chaka [PA-2]
Rep Filner, Bob [CA-51]
Rep Frank, Barney [MA-4]
Rep Jackson-Lee, Sheila [TX-18]
Rep Maloney, Carolyn B. [NY-14]
Rep Meehan, Martin T. [MA-5]
Rep Moran, James P. [VA-8]
Rep Schakowsky, Janice D. [IL-9]
Rep Schiff, Adam B. [CA-29]
Rep Van Hollen, Chris [MD-8]

Please contact your rep ASAP and tell them you completely oppose this legislation.

Here is a link for the bill itself:

HR 1022

Took my Fly Pole to school

I really didn't think it would be a big deal. I'm taking an art class at a local community college to fill out the last of my core credits for a degree.

We were drawing just stuff for one of our projects and I thought to myself I'll go out and get my fly pole and some flies to draw. That's manly, instead of the feathers, sea shells and foofy stuff that all the girls in the class were drawing. (I'm one of the three guys in the class to about 15 women).

So I went out to my car and grabbed my pole. It's kept in the typical fly pole case to prevent it from getting damaged.

I walked in without even thinking about it and the instructor stopped what she was doing and looked at me like a deer caught in headlights.

"That isn't going to hurt anyone is it?"

I looked at her like I didn't know what she was talking about and said "Not unless I pull it out and accidentally smack someone with it." I continued to my work area.

She still looked scared and asked "what is it?!"

One of the girls in the class piped up and said "It's his fly rod!"

About this time I got to my station and started to pull out my rod. The entire time the instructor keeping an eye on me till I got the fly rod out of the case, and only then did she relax.

... sigh. Apparently zero tolerance extents to anything that could possibly look like some form of weapon.

To be fair though after class when I was putting the fly rod back in it's case I accidentally poked a girl walking by.

Oops, guess it did hurt someone. No harm though and the girl said it was her fault.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Every 48 Hours

There is a new "study" floating around Maryland and the internet put out by CeaseFire Maryland. It is called "Every 48 Hours"(pdf). The study was published in September 2006. Quoting the "study":

On average, assault weapons are so frequently used in crime that one assault rifle is traced back to a Maryland crime every 48 hours.
Specifically to arrive at this "every 48 hours" were five "assault" rifles that were traced to crimes between Jan 2, 1998 and Dec 31, 2001, a span of four years. These rifles were the AR-15, M1 Carbine, Ruger Mini-14, HiPoint 9mm Carbine, and Norinco SKS.

Sounds pretty scary. Every 48 hours one of these weapons is used in a crime in Maryland. This study is cited as reference to a new bill in that state to ban assault weapons. This "study" is also very dishonest in it's reporting. Let's take a look at some of the factors.

The study focused on 789 "assault" rifles traced back to crime in Maryland during the dates mentioned above. The five rifles they mention accounted for 508 of these crimes.

The "study" looked at "traced" back to crimes. This is where the "study" is REALLY dishonest. A crime trace involves tracking the serial number of a firearm reguardless of what that firearm was used for. The trace finds out where the firearm came from, and who the supposed owner is. It is the same trace used for vehicle identification numbers (VIN) on stolen and abandoned cars.

So a "trace" on a firearm could be because the firearm was stolen and recovered. A trace on a firearm could be caused by a drug dealer being busted and a firearm found on him or his property, even if the firearm was not in use at the time. This trace is triggered by the drug bust.

These are just two examples of a "trace" that can happen to firearms. Any time a firearm is found during a crime investigation of any kind that firearm is traced even if the firearm itself was not involved in the crime commited.

For more information on BATF gun tracing see this article:

BATF AW 'traces' by Kopel

For examples of the crimes mentioned in the "study" not one of them actually occured in Maryland. The closest in geography was the DC Snipers in 2002 (which incidentally occured DURING the national Assault Weapons Ban that did not expire until 2004). All the examples the study specifically mentioned were national high profile cases.

Before signing on to any gun grabbers claims please research any "study" they cite yourself before jumping on the wagon.

Remember this "study" when HR1022 comes up here in a few months, if it gets out of commitee. I'm sure someone with a D next to their name will bring it up as evidence.