Monday, July 16, 2007

Quoted in Montana Newspaper

Today while reading my usual forums and blogs I found out that I was quoted in Montana's Bozeman Daily Chronicle.

The original article is here: Bozeman Daily Chronicle

Here is their quote of me:
Trevor Majors wrote that his “daughter will NEVER attend MSU nor even step foot on its campus. ... By your new rules my daughter would not even be allowed to carry mace to protect herself from mugging or rapists. I would expect this from the People's Republic of Kalifornia, but not from Montana.”

Here is my original email sent to the Dean of Students Glenn Puffer:

Thank you for clarifying the Montana State University firearms policy. With this clarification I now know that my daughter will NEVER attend MSU nor even step foot on it's campus. By your new rules my daughter would not even be allowed to carry mace to protect herself from mugging
or rapists.

You have created a complete and total victim disarmament zone, and will have one of the most UNSAFE campuses in the United States.

I would expect this from the People's Republic of Kalifornia, but not from Montana.

Mr Puffer must have forwarded my e-mail off to the paper as the paper was not CCed on my mail. No biggy, but at least I was heard.

Gun Free Zones do NOT work. How many more tragedies like VATech have to happen before people realize that?

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